Facebook is a social networking platform that allows users to communicate through messages, photos, comments, videos, news, and other interactive content.

API functions: Facebook provides various APIs and SDKs that allow developers to access their data and extend the capabilities of their applications. The Facebook Graph API is an HTTP-based API that provides the primary way to access platform data. Using the API, you can query data, publish images, access pages, create new stories, and perform other tasks. In addition, the Facebook Marketing API allows you to create programs to automatically market your products and services on the platform.

Popularity: At the end of 2018, Facebook had over 2.2 billion monthly active users, making it the most popular social media platform in the world.

Price: Facebook APIs are provided free of charge.

Ease of use: In addition to detailed documentation, Facebook has an active developer community with members who are always ready to help each other to make the most of the API.

Instagram is a social media platform owned by Facebook that allows users to share photos and videos.

API functions: Facebook offers many APIs that allow developers to create tools that enhance the user experience on the Instagram platform. With the help of APIs, you can allow users to share their favorite stories and daily highlights from your app on Instagram. In addition, there is the Instagram Graph API, which allows developers to access data from companies that manage Instagram accounts. With the Graph API, you can conveniently manage and publish media items, discover other businesses, track mentions, analyze valuable metrics, moderate comments, and search for hashtags.

Popularity: At the end of 2018, Instagram had over 1 billion monthly active users.

Price: APIs are provided free of charge.

Ease of use: Instagram APIs are easy to use. Facebook has done a good job of providing detailed documentation to help developers easily implement the APIs into their apps.